


The Powerhouse behind Broccoli Sprouts

Sulforaphane is a natural compound derived from many cruciferous vegetables such as Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Bok Choy and Kale. It is produced only when the vegetable is damaged; such as chopped, chewed or frozen.
So where does Broccoli SPROUTS come in to the picture? They contain up to 50 times more of the precursour to Sulforaphane than mature Broccoli.

Take a look at what these powerful sprouts can do for you.


Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation can be a sign that the body is out of balance. This can affect people of all ages, for many different reasons.

Now that we know broccoli sprouts contain the precursors which create Sulforaphane.; well, Sulforaphane reduces inflammation through your NRF2 Pathway. This pathway is a group of proteins that influence genes within the body.

Chronic prolonged inflammation can lead to DNA damage, tissue death and internal scarring, which increases your risk of developing a number of significant diseases.

Inflammation is also one of the key drivers of aging. By lowering inflammation, this can prolong physical functionality and cognitive abilities.

Cardiovascular Health

Maintaining a high level of Cardiovascular health is extremely important to lower your risk of related diseases, such as Heart Attack and Stroke.

A major cause of heart disease is inflammation and as we now know, Sulforaphane reduces inflammation through the NRF2 Pathway by encouraging production of enzymes that protect the blood vessels.

Immune Support

We’ve always known having a strong immune system has been vital, but during these times, it’s more important than ever. Whilst you can’t stop your body from being exposed to viruses, you can support the immune system so you have the resilience to fight them.

So how can Sulforaphane strengthen your Immune System? Sulforaphane activates processes in the body such as regulating genes and enzymes, which takes the burden off the immune system allowing it to concentrate on more serious issues within the body. ie. foreign viruses.


Pollution can’t always be seen. Our bodies are bombarded by pollutants throughout the day and preventing the build up of these toxins in our cells is incredibly important as their accumulation can be the foundation of illness. Freeing our cells of these toxins is the foundation for health.

Sulforaphane makes your cells create Detoxification enzymes that clear carcinogens and other toxins. For example, one study found that Sulforaphane increases excretion of air borne pollutants by 61%.



What do we mean by Neuroprotection? Protecting the Neurons in the human brain to reduce your risk of developing Neurodegenerative diseases such as Dementia like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Firsty, Inflammation is a contributor to Neurodegenerative diseases and as we now know, Sulforaphane has anti-inflammatory effects.Secondly, Sulforaphane increases Glutathione (a major antioxidant) in the brain. Glutathione can combat oxidative stress - which is an important factor in reducing and recovering from aging and injury. Sulforaphane also activates the NRF2 pathway, which then protects brain neurons.


Scientific studies have shown that Sulforaphane can help to prevent cancers such as gastric, prostate and breast, especially as we get older. It helps to protect the small cellular energy factories called mitochondria.

Sulforaphane influences over 200 genes. For example, in relationship to Gastric Cancer, researchers discovered Sulforaphane can inhibit the activation of the Sonic Hedgehog Gene (yes, you read that right!). This gene is responsible for producing gastric cancer stem cells.


Sulforaphane activates the protein Nfr2, which in turn activates certain antioxidant genes in your body. It activates the body's natural detoxification and antioxidant enzymes. Essentially, sulforaphane can support your skin in the same way it does your body's detoxification processes, flushing all the harmful players out!

Sulforaphane has also been shown to reverse photoaging by protecting against UV-induced skin damage. According to a study on sulforaphane’s protective effects, using broccoli sprout extract for three days in a row prior to UV exposure, helped manage skin cell damage.

We also know that sulforaphane helps maintain inflammation, which may spur the healing process for inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne.

If not now, then when?



So it’s not just Sulforaphane in our Naked Sprouts that make a difference to your body. DIM is another of the broccoli sprout super powers.
What is DIM? Diindolylmethane (Di-indo-ly-methane) is another compound created when you digest cruciferous vegetables. Research has suggested that DIM supports the liver and estrogen metabolism which influences our hormones, and can positively influence hormone-related conditions such as Acne and Menopause.